January 10th Workout Updates

Looks like we’ve finally got some great weather coming!! Hurray!! What a cold end to 2021 and start to 2022.

Looking ahead at January the club is going to make a few temporary changes to our training schedule to reduce our overall risk.

Here goes:

Tuesday Evenings: We are going to take a break from Max Bell for the remainder of the month. Our concern is that it is a large space and we have had many close calls with many different groups. In the meantime:

Tuesday January 11: 6pm Cross country ski at Windsor Park

Tuesday January 18: 6pm River Skate at the Forks

Tuesday January 25th: 6pm Fat Bike from Assiniboine Park Duck Pond

All of the Tuesdays above will be casual/not coached. There will not be a workout, but it will be a group meeting outdoors to have some fun! If you don’t have the correct equipment Windsor Park has ski rentals, the Forks has skate rentals and both the Forks and Woodcock Cycle.

Wednesday for January 12, 19 and 26: Virtual/Remote Workouts with Jared at 6pm

Saturdays: Outdoor Runs will continue as per normal! Dress for the weather!

Sundays: We will continue as per the last couple of weeks with both a virtual and and in-person workout at the Rowing Club. Both workouts will begin at 8:30am. We will continue with in person workouts here as we have the entire

Links for virtual workouts will be sent out on the Group Whats App Chat.

We hope to see you either in person or virtually at the workouts coming soon!