We have a new look!

After changing our name from Tribalistic Triathlon Team to Prairie Performance Triathlon we asked our teammates what they would like to see with our team look – keep it status quo or evolve the logo to represent a new era. The majority of members wanted to see some change while still paying respect to our roots. 

This past year, the PPT Board has been working in collaboration with a former teammate, Melanie LeClair, to create our new look. We are very excited about this change and we hope you are too! 

In the above logo, you can see each aspect of our team and its name:

  • The circle representing the Prairie sun – the best part of Manitoba
  • The podium representing Performance – our main goal as a team is to provide performance oriented and fun training
  • The three pillars representing Triathlon – three sports is always better than one

We have kept our original colors to pay respect to our Tribalistic Triathlon Team roots. Although we are embracing a new look, we are still providing the high standards of training that were set by our founders. You will see both the yellow-dominant logo and the blue-dominant logo used interchangeably but they both represent the same team – if hockey teams can have home and away colors, so can we! 

And of course, the best part of a new logo is a new kit! We are working hard to design a new team kit that will be available for ordering in the coming months – so we can look like a unified team once again for race season. 

If you have any questions or comments regarding this change, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at info@prairieperformancetriathlon.ca or chat with a board member at a workout. 

Hope to see you at a workout soon, 

Kelsey, Pat, Christine, Clarice, Jason & Don

Prairie Performance Triathlon Board