March 2024 Update!!

The end of the indoor season is near!! Cross your fingers that Mother Nature continues to play nice over the rest of March so that the roads and trails are ready for us come April!

Our calendar has been updated as follows:

The last indoor Sunday workout will be Sunday March 17th

Final indoor Track Workout is Tuesday March 19th

And the indoor season will be completed after the indoor bike on Wednesday March 20th.

PPT will take the spring break from March 22-March 31 as our Annual Transition from the indoor to the outdoor season. Workouts will resume on April 2nd as follows:

Tuesday evenings: 6pm, outdoor interval run at the Leaf in Assiniboine Park. We’ll meet by the bike rack on the north west side of the paved horseshoe path.

Wednesday evenings: 6pm, Outdoor interval bike. We will meet at the Assiniboine Park Duck Pond. The ride will proceed in a Westerly direction but will vary slightly depending on workout goals, road conditions and ride plan.

Upcoming Triathlon Manitoba Events of Mention:

This is an introductory program targeting women who are interested in the sport, but who may be too intimidated to register for their first event or to join one of the clubs around the city.
Just Tri It is an 11-week program starting April 8th, featuring 3 workouts each week and a speaker series to provide motivation and information to get participants ready for their first race on June 22nd.  The program is built with the goal of providing fun, fitness, and friendship to keep participants engaged during the program, and beyond.

Also, be sure to check out the Triathlon Manitoba Events page! Their Calendar is now posted with all the racing coming up this season!