Adult Event Distances
Event | Swim or Run | Bike | Run |
Olympic Triathlon | 1500 m swim | 40 km | 10 km |
Olympic Aquabike | 1500 m swim | 40 km | Done! |
Olympic Triathlon Relay | 1500 m swim | 40 km | 10 km |
Sprint Triathlon | 750 m swim | 20 km | 5 km |
Sprint Duathlon | 2.5 km run | 20 km | 5 km |
Sprint Aquabike | 750 m swim | 20 km | Done! |
Sprint Triathlon Relay | 750 m swim | 20 km | 5 km |
Try-a-Tri | 300 m swim | 10 km | 2.5 km |
Do-a-Du | 1 km run | 10 km | 2.5 km |
Adult Event Maps
Note: these are the 2022 event maps, which are subject to change based on Triathlon Manitoba sanctioning approval.

Kids of Steel Event Distances
Athlete age is determined as of December 31st, 2024. Athletes may race with younger age groups if they prefer shorter distances. The swim takes place in shallow water. Lifeguards will be in the water with the athletes.
Tykes and Trikes athletes must be accompanied by a parent or guardian throughout the entire event.
Event (and age) | Swim or Run | Bike | Run |
14-15 Long Course Triathlon | 500 m swim | 10 km | 4 km |
14-15 Short Course Triathlon | 300 m swim | 10 km | 3 km |
12-13 Long Course Triathlon | 300 m swim | 10 km | 3 km |
12-13 Short Course Triathlon | 200 m swim | 5 km | 2 km |
10-11 Triathlon | 200 m swim | 5 km | 2 km |
8-9 Triathlon | 100 m swim | 5 km | 1 km |
6-7 Triathlon | 50 m swim | 1.5 km | 500 m |
14-15 Duathlon | 1 km run | 10 km | 3 km |
12-13 Duathlon | 1 km run | 10 km | 3 km |
10-11 Duathlon | 500 m run | 5 km | 2 km |
8-9 Duathlon | 250 m run | 5 km | 1 km |
6-7 Duathlon | 125 m run | 1.5 km | 500 m |
Tykes and Trikes (3 to 5 years old) | ~25 m swim | ~200 m | ~50 m |
Kids of Steel Maps
Updated May 2024